Thursday, April 12, 2007

when pictures refuse to upload

victoria harbour, hong kong. we had to go up a long winding hill to see the harbour view. we reached the top at around 6 pm. had to ask around a bit to get to the viewing gallery. as soon as we stepped out, an ice cold blast of wind hit us. it was chilly, foggy and my teeth were threatening to pop out. walked to the railing shivering uncontrollably. the view was bloody breathtaking. the whole harbour lay sprawling under us, dotted with ships and cruisers, fogged over in some places, sparkling crystal clear in some. surrounded by mountains jutting and ducking their heads out of the white fogmass. the sun would appear all of a sudden for a second or two, its golden halo looking almost liquid in the sky. for one hk dollar, one can look at the view through a telescope. i looked into it and read the name of one huge ship but i can't remember it anymore.
we were shivering like whatever it is that shivers like we did, but wanted to have a hot coffee sitting across this view. spotted a mcdonald's one floor below. had shockingly strong coffee and even more shockingly delicious chicken salad in the sit-out area.
the paper napkins flew away with the wind. the memory stayed.
i clicked a dozen pics of the harbour but they're in no mood to get uploaded today. i'll ask them again tomorrow. till then, my words will have to do.

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